Meet ingenious Scientist Richard Row

March 5, 2019

Meet ingenious Scientist Richard Row

Richard is a Scientific Strategy Consultant at ingenious. As a graduate student at the University of Washington he used zebrafish as a model organism to investigate embryonic development, and he continued similar research as a postdoc at Stony Brook University before joining ingenious. When he’s not helping scientists evaluate their options for new custom genetically modified animal models you can find him out taking photos or watching foreign movies.

Explore Richard’s informative articles on animal models below:

New Cre-Lox Design Guide For Conditional Knockout Mouse Models Home
1) New Cre-Lox Design Guide For Conditional Knockout Mouse Models

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when making new cKO models and our guide can help you evaluate the options for your gene of interest. We also list five rules to follow for designing a successful model. Read more

Brain Health And Iron Levels – A Delicate Balance
2) Brain Health, Iron Levels And Oxidative Stress – A Delicate Balance

Building and maintaining a healthy brain requires thousands of distinct processes to be exquisitely balanced throughout decades of life. New research demonstrates a key role for oxidative stress in triggering breakdowns in brain health. Read more

3) 6 Facts You May Not Know About Cre-Lox

Using the Cre-lox system in an experiment seems simple, and ideally your gene of interest is knocked out in the tissue you’re studying. Some aspects of the Cre-lox system are overlooked even by experienced researchers, and a greater understanding may alter your future experimental plans. Read more

humanized models
4) Expand the Possibilities of Humanized Models… Beyond the Coding Sequence.

Human genetic sequences have been routinely inserted into the mouse genome since the early 1980s when reliable methods were first developed. Recent developments have expanded the possibilities for genetic humanization and enables the creation of better models for your research. Read more

transgenic knockin
5) A New Mouse Line For Tissue-Specific Expression: Transgenic Knockin Approaches

Transgenic knockin strategies can be used for tissue-specific expression of almost any gene. For example, such approaches can create lines for controlled expression of a mutant gene sequence. We explore several methods available to investigators. Read more

cardiac disease
6) Rat Models of Cardiac Disease

Treatments for cardiovascular disease were developed based on a tremendous volume of research in which animal models played a crucial role. Rat models in particular have enabled tremendous advances in human health. Read more

7) Natural Antiviral System Inspires New Tool For Researchers

A researcher may wish to observe the differences between cells that contain or lack a specific protein. Current techniques can interrupt the production of new protein molecules but do not affect proteins that are already present. If those molecules are stable they can complicate analysis for an extended period. A newly-developed technique, called Trim-Away, combines specificity and complete removal with enhanced speed compared to existing methods. Read more

8) Mouse Knockout Screen Leads To Discovery

The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) has identified 67 genes related to hearing, including 52 genes not previously associated with that process. This was accomplished by analyzing 3006 lines of knockout mice. The IMPC’s goal is to test the function of 20,000 genes in mouse models. Read more

Want to get in touch with Richard? Just fill out our form to get a quote or schedule a meeting to discuss your next custom animal model.

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